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AndroidLock - great lockscreen mod, crashes iphone
Posted by Le on Tuesday, January 26, 2010
(UPDATE #2: still crashing. False alarm on the previous entry. The phone still crashes into safe mode forcing me to remove it again.
UPDATE #1: I have removed several extensions from my phone including live weather and disabled boss paper.
Androidlock now works fine)
One of the things I personally envy about the Android mobile platform by Google is the unique pattern based unlock process.
I was happy to see someone had finally ported the process to the iPhone, and I quickly installed it.
The problem is that the mod crashes the iPhone over and over again. The crash comes when the phone is put into sleep mode or brought out of it by pressing the top sleep/wake button.
The instant I uninstalled the mod the crashes stopped.
So for now the AndroidLock fails. Maybe in the future we can all be as cool as android users, but for now we will have to use a plain vanilla slide to unlock.