Tom Tom GPS now a reasonable $49.99

Posted by Le on Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It took them a little time but the TomTom app is finally a reasonable price of $49.99 on the US app store.
TomTom is the GPS company that basically popularized GPS for automobiles a long long time ago.

TomTom for iPhone
They then thought it was a great idea to launch an overpriced iPhone app that sold for $99, the same price as a dedicated GPS you could buy at your local Best Buy.
Good idea huh?
Finally they dropped it today to a nice $49.99
Still does not beat xWaves xGPS which is 100% FREE from Cydia which is definately not as refined as TomTom but nice and free.

xGPS For iPhone or iPod Touch (free on Cydia)

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